The emergence of hydrogen power technology is critical to a future of net-zero carbon emissions. Hydrogen powered fuel cells produce only water vapour as a waste product when used in compatible automobiles, and can be refueled as quickly as in a few minutes. In order to foster the adoption of this technology, many individual research efforts have been made to progress the development of hydrogen power technology. This current inventory of codes and standards (C&S Inventory) as well as technical reports, technical specifications, requirements and guides contains currently almost 500 references. In order to navigate and analyze this inventory, it has been arranged and presented using this website.
Currently, the website provides a search function to find references according to the geographic location of each C&S publisher headquarters. The website also provides a project phase diagram where the references are aggregated by their relevance to project phases. Similarly, the website provides a diagram of the Canadian Hydrogen Value Chain (HVC), outlining the process from procurement to production and consumption of hydrogen fuel. The references are aggregated by their relevance to specific stages of the process, certain HVC components and/or certain Energy Storage (ES) technologies. On each search function, a number of filters are available to narrow-down the search to particular topics.
Authenticated users can leave comments on each C&S reference to communicate to the community about any updates and opinion about the C&S relevance to an HVC project. Users are encourage to rate the C&S references they found interesting with the aim to highlight if a particular C&S is important to HVC projects and if the C&S reference was classified accurately.